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相伴五载,Hi Five!麦琪萝丝登陆中国大陆五周年特别沙龙完美收官!

2023-11-20 15:39| 发布者: 38baby| 评论: 0

摘要: Maggie Rose 麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部登陆中国大陆五年啦!岁月不居, 时节如流,Maggie Rose 麦琪萝丝于2006年在英国伦敦肯辛顿Kensington创立,途径香港,于2018年11月进入中国大陆。五年内,我们砥砺前行,逆势 ...

作为注重品质的高端亲子家庭俱乐部,Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝经常与我们与志趣相投的高端生活类、亲子类品牌联手合作,为会员家庭带去更丰富的会员活动,更非凡的亲子体验,为我们的全球社区增加价值。

As a quality-focused, high-end family club, Maggie & Rose often teams up with like-minded, high-end lifestyle and parenting brands to bring richer member activities, more extraordinary parenting experiences, adding value to our global community.


Maggie & Rose x Silver Cross 共享欢乐下午茶

Maggie & Rose x Whittard 英国茶文化分享会

Maggie & Rose x 路虎  “汽车总动员.萌宝生日会”“

Maggie & Rose x 外滩半岛酒店  “小小环球旅行家”圣诞派对

Maggie & Rose x 丽思卡尔顿酒店云上圣诞派对

Maggie & Rose x Holiday Inn   "丛林探险“ 主题亲子房

让更多宝宝在玩中学,在快乐中成长,始终是我们的初心和坚持。Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝独特的课程理念、专业的课程体系以及多元化互动教学方式也受到了很多教育组织的认可,经常受邀参加教育展会及教育盛会,也荣获了诸如That`s Shanghai、Timeout、Gogo Shanghai 等多家媒体“年度亲子家庭俱乐部”荣誉。

Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝初心不该,为每个家庭提供“早教、畅玩、美食、派对”的一站式会员制亲子服务,努力把俱乐部打造成集学习、玩乐、美食及派对于一体的、让爸妈放心、宝宝开心的“家外之家”。

Maggie & Rose has always been committed to providing every family with one-stop membership services of "early education, fun, food and party", and endeavouring to turn the club into a "home away from home" that integrates learning, fun, food and party, so that parents can be rest assured and babies can be happy.


Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝全球教育专家顾问以英国早期教育体系EYFS为基础,结合中国《儿童学习与发展指南》,用“玩中学”的教育理念、体验式的学习方法和多元化的活动内容来开发贯穿0-6岁孩子成长阶段的科学完备的 CREATE 课程体系。

让孩子不用去英国就可以体验到伦敦原汁原味的中华小当家、天马艺术家、梦想制造家、小小音乐家、绘本旅行家、MessyPlay 6类精华早教课程。

Based on the EYFS British early education system, combined with China's Child Learning and Development Guidelines, Maggie & Rose's global education experts and consultants have developed the CREATE programme system, which is based on the educational concept of "Learning through Play", experiential learning methodology and diversified activities, to run through the developmental stages of children aged 0-6 years old. Children can experience authentic British-style courses such as Little Cheflets, Messy Masters Art, Make & Make Believe, Little Musician, Bookworm Adventurers and MessyPlay, altogether 6 categories of the best early education courses. Involving music, cooking, handicrafts, art, play and imagination, picture book reading, etc.


The combination of intellectual, aesthetic and labour education gives children a full immersion environment and experiential situation, not only "transfer knowledge", but also "development of the mind". Through a series of activities and games, we help children to gradually cultivate their curiosity and uniqueness, develop their all-round perception, and become open-minded thinkers who can understand themselves more comprehensively and explore the world more actively. We aim to cultivate "CREATE" citizens of the world.

▲Maggie & Rose 课堂




The children's favourite British climbing facilities, designed and produced by London designers, are made of imported Scottish logs flown in from London, with no extra paint or excessive polishing, and are environmentally friendly, natural, safe and healthy. 5 British engineers came to Hangzhou to supervise and guide the construction on site.

Meanwhile, all the climbing facilities and the ground are padded, and the sharp corners have been rounded, so that children can have close contact with nature, but also to ensure the safety while playing.

▲Maggie & Rose 软玩区


Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝英伦亲子餐厅为一家人在学玩之余的休闲时光献上世界各地的经典美食:蘑菇温泉蛋披萨、鸡蛋仔、英式下午茶、日式舒芙蕾、杨枝甘露……每一份菜肴都是味蕾的专属狂欢,每一次的精致摆盘都是视觉大赏。

Maggie & Rose British Parent-Child Restaurant offers classic cuisines from all over the world for the family's leisure time after school and play: Mushroom Spa Egg Pizza, Egg Chai, English Afternoon Tea, Japanese Soufflé, Mango Pomelo Sago ...... Each dish is an exclusive carnival for the taste buds, and each exquisite plating is a visual reward.


In order to ensure the health and safety of children's meals, the restaurant designs diversified children's meals according to the nutritional dietary structure, uses as little seasoning as possible, and impresses parents' hearts and children's stomachs with the intrinsic flavour of the food, creating a good time for family meals!

▲Maggie & Rose 全球美食


Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝品牌全球发展17年,高端精致的定制派对一直是明星以及各界名流青睐的服务。每一个值得庆祝的家庭纪念日,我们都会为会员家庭策划独特而具有仪式感的派对,定格每个孩子成长过程中的重要时刻。多款超酷主题:奇幻魔术、梦幻泡泡秀、连童话里的“骑士梦”、“公主梦”、“海盗梦”都能在这里实现,款款都是独家!给你最特殊的生活仪式感!

The Maggie & Rose brand has been growing globally for 17 years, and our high-end and exquisite customised parties have always been a favoured service for celebrities and famous people from all walks of life. For every family anniversary, we will plan a unique and ceremonial party for our members to celebrate the important moments of each child's growth. A variety of cool themes: fantasy magic, dream bubble show, even the fairy tale "knight dream", "princess dream", "pirate dream" can be realised here, each being exclusive! We will give you the most special sense of life ceremony!

在Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝,派对布置、菜品确定、主持嘉宾、表演嘉宾、互动游戏、摄影师……一应俱全,做你的“专属派对师”。还是明星宝宝同款哦,陈小春的儿子Jasper、梁咏琪的女儿Sofia都在麦琪萝丝举办过生日派对。

In Maggie & Rose, the party layout, dishes to determine, host guests, performers, interactive games, photographers ...... all in one, do your "exclusive party master". Moreover, Chen Xiaochun's son Jasper, Gigi Leung's daughter Sofia have held a birthday party in Maggie & Rose.

▲陈小春和应采儿的儿子Jasper, 在麦琪萝丝举办过生日派对


 ▲梁咏琪的女儿Sofia都在Maggie&Rose 麦琪萝丝举办过生日派对





Mums taking care of babies must also have struggled with their children's haircuts at one time or another, and this place is the solution, with antique vintage car seats that many babies love!

The most crucial thing is that mothers can also have their hair, nails, beauty and eyelashes done here! For those beautiful mums who want to take it easy with their babies, this must be a heaven you can't miss!

▲Maggie & Rose 美业区


羡慕哆啦A梦的万能口袋?想要足不出户就能搜罗全世界的小玩意儿?快来Maggie & Rose的全球婴童零售区!衣服、包包、书籍、明信片,想得到的,想不到的,这里通通都有!

Envious of Doraemon's all-purpose pocket? Do you want to find gadgets from all over the world without leaving your home? Come to Maggie & Rose's global baby retail section! Clothes, bags, books, postcards, everything you can think of is here!

▲Maggie & Rose 全球婴童零售区

Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝营地盎然上线

为了让Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝“Time to be together”的理念, 从俱乐部走向更丰富的空间,衍生更有趣的内容,2023年,麦琪萝丝营地盎然上线,集“吃玩学”于一体,让孩子们在开心玩乐和探索中激发创造力,增强自信!

上线以来,已在上海杭州等地举办数十场亲子营地,如:航天研学营、野趣泼水营、火箭亲子营、奇幻自然营、五谷丰收农家体验营等,逾500位家长和小朋友参加了我们的营地,共同感受了Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝的高品质产品和服务!

In order to launch Maggie & Rose's concept of "Time to be together" from the club to a richer space, derived from more interesting content.  In 2023, Maggie & Rose Camp will be launched, integrating "eating, playing and learning", allowing children to stimulate creativity and enhance their self-confidence in having fun and exploring!

Since its launch, dozens of parent-child camps have been held in Shanghai and Hangzhou, such as: aerospace research camp, wild water splashing camp, rocket parent-child camp, fantasy nature camp, and harvest farm experience camp, etc. More than 500 parents and children participated in our camps, and experienced the high quality of Maggie & Rose's products and services together!


教育行业革新升级,麦琪萝丝布局全球。站在亲子消费变革的“新风口”,源自伦敦的 Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部经过十余年积淀,以全球化的洞察,引领国内亲子教育行业革新升级。

From free-style to immersive-style child entertaining, domestic parent-child consumption has entered a new development trend, and is supporting a huge business opportunity with a scale of trillions of yuan.

Maggie & Rose's globalisation of the education industry. Standing at the "new wind mouth" of the change of parent-child consumption, after more than ten years of accumulation, Maggie & Rose the Family Members’ Club, originated from London, is leading the innovation and upgrading of the domestic parent-child education industry with global insight.

五年是里程碑,同时也是新起点。经过17年的中英成长与发展,Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝厚积薄发,全球业绩持续增长。从英国伦敦到香港,从杭州到上海,现诚挚招募品牌挚友创始合伙人,携手共拓中国亲子消费新蓝海。们首次开放中国大陆市场7座一类城市,重点发展中国大陆加盟商,未来将进军更多一线、新一线、省会城市!在全国38个城 市全面布局。

Five years is a milestone, and also a new beginning. After 17 years of growth and development in China and the UK, Maggie & Rose has grown from strength to strength and continues to grow globally. From London to Hong Kong, from Hangzhou to Shanghai, we are now recruiting founding partners to join hands in exploring the new blue ocean of parent-child consumption in China. The first time we open the Chinese mainland market 7 a class of cities, focusing on the development of mainland China franchisees, the future will enter more first-tier, new first-tier, provincial capital cities! We have planned a comprehensive layout in 38 cities across the country.

我们将以全球化的市场洞察力和品牌影响力,360°管家式陪跑,为您的每一程保驾护航,帮助全球品牌合伙人从0到1快速成长与发展!以 全国范围的品牌声量,与更多品牌挚友合作共赢,共创辉煌!为更多的中国家庭提供高品质的亲子陪伴时光!

We will take the global market insight and brand influence, 360° butler-type escort for your every journey, to help the global brand partners to grow and develop from A to Z! With our global impact, we will cooperate with more friends to create brilliance! We will provide more Chinese families with high-quality parenting time!



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