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相伴五载,Hi Five!麦琪萝丝登陆中国大陆五周年特别沙龙完美收官!

2023-11-20 15:39| 发布者: 38baby| 评论: 0

摘要: Maggie Rose 麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部登陆中国大陆五年啦!岁月不居, 时节如流,Maggie Rose 麦琪萝丝于2006年在英国伦敦肯辛顿Kensington创立,途径香港,于2018年11月进入中国大陆。五年内,我们砥砺前行,逆势 ...

Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部


岁月不居, 时节如流,Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝于2006年在英国伦敦肯辛顿Kensington创立,途径香港,于2018年11月进入中国大陆。五年内,我们砥砺前行,逆势而上,连续在大陆地区开设了5家俱乐部,吸引了全球超过4万家庭成为我们的忠实粉丝,把俱乐部打造成会员信赖和喜欢的“家外之家”。

The years never stay, the seasons flow like a stream. Maggie & Rose was founded in 2006 in Kensington, Kensington, London, UK, via Hong Kong, and entered China in November 2018. In five years, Maggie & Rose has opened five clubs in Shanghai and Hangzhou, with more than 40,000 global members online and offline, making the clubs a "home away from home" trusted and loved by our members.

11月17日,我们特此举办 Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝登陆中国大陆五周年——品味英伦经典特别沙龙。

On 17th November, we held a special salon on the 5th anniversary of Maggie Rose's arrival in Hangzhou and Shanghai - Taste the British Classics.

Maggie & Rose 亲子家庭俱乐部全球董事、大中华区董事长、总裁Shirley Jin女士、麦琪萝丝高管团队与几十位来自教育行业及亲子商业等领域的资深大咖、资深媒体人、重量级亲子KOC与会员代表们齐聚上海南丰城俱乐部,品味英伦经典,感受“高质量亲子陪伴”新消费模式,为麦琪萝丝五年来取得的硕果举杯同庆,也一起为麦琪萝丝未来五年及更长久的发展,描绘下美好的蓝图!

Which was attended by Ms. Shirley Jin, Global Director, Chairman and President of Maggie & Rose The Family Members’ Clubs in Greater China, The senior management team of Maggie & Rose, together with dozens of senior celebrities from the education industry, parenting industry, business and other fields, senior media, heavyweight parenting KOC and member representatives gathered at Maggie & Rose Shanghai Nanfengcheng Club to savour the British classics, experience the new consumption mode of "high-quality parenting companionship", raise a glass of wine for the achievements of Maggie & Rose in the past five years, and draw up a beautiful blueprint for the development of Maggie & Rose in the next five years and beyond. They also drew a beautiful blueprint for Maggie & Rose's development in the next five years and beyond!


英国商业贸易部中国区教育主任苏思Su Si女士;

IB国际文凭中国区发展经理朱春凤Jessica Zhu女士;

上海浦东德威外籍人员子女学校传播和媒介总监Lee Mack先生


Guests: Jessica Zhu, Development Manager of IB International Baccalaureate China; Su Si, Director of Education, UK Department of Commerce and Trade, China; Mr Lee Mack, Director of Communications at Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong, shared their views on the topics of early childhood education, international education system, and business investment in international education. Taste the British classics and experience the new consumption mode of "high-quality parent-child companionship".

左一:IB国际文凭中国区发展经理朱春凤 Jessica Zhu 女士

左二:麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部全球董事、大中华区董事长、总裁,Shirley Jin 女士

左三:英国商业贸易部中国区教育主任 Su Si 苏思女士

右边:上海浦东德威外籍人员子女学校传播和媒介总监 Lee Mack 李灏腾先生

右一:麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部全球设计总监 Finlay Cowan

首先,麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部全球董事、大中华区董事长总裁 Shirley Jin 女士开场致辞,热烈欢迎诸位嘉宾的到来!

Firstly, Ms Shirley Jin, Global Director and President of Maggie & Rose the Family Members’ Club of Greater China, gave a warm welcome to the guests!

▲Maggie&Rose 麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部全球董事、大中华区董事长、总裁,香港岛妇女联合会常务会长Shirley Jin 女士

在亲切的 Time to be together 俱乐部主题曲中, 4位全球荣誉家庭成员 Maggie, Rose, Oscar, Bentley 与各位嘉宾一起切开了代表着祝福与甜蜜的五周年蛋糕,为麦琪萝丝的未来许下美好心愿。

To the theme song of the club, Time to be Together, 4 global honourable family members, Maggie, Rose, Oscar, Bentley and guests cut the 5th anniversary cake which represents blessing and sweetness, and made good wishes for Maggie & Rose's future.

▲Shirley Jin 女士,诸位嘉宾与Maggie&Rose 高管团队共同祝贺麦琪萝丝五周年生日快乐


It is always our goal to let more children learn and grow in happiness. More advanced education concepts, more professional and more complete education system is also always our pursuit, the fifth anniversary celebration, we invited experts in the field of education, and guests to share and discuss the specialisation of early childhood education and curriculum system.

苏思  Su Si



She is mainly responsible for assisting UK institutions and educational organisations to identify potential business opportunities and government cooperation projects in the Chinese market.She is also responsible for providing UK investment support to Chinese investors and educational organisations.Prior to joining the Department for Business and Trade, Sue worked at the British Embassy's Culture and Education Department, where she was responsible for the China-UK education exchange programme.

She was responsible for the China-UK education exchange programme, focusing on the higher education and K12 sectors.

英国商业贸易部也很关注学前教育,包括早教在内的版块。Maggie&Rose 作为国内英式早教的代表,把每个儿童当作独立个体,非常关注儿童的自主能力。

英式教育里,尤其关注素质教育,喜剧教育也是他们关注的中重点。Maggie&Ros的梦想制造家 Make & Make Believe 课程,用沉浸式的真实场景,让孩子的“梦想”成为真实的场景,在mini版的情境中任意探索世界。在这里孩子们可以天马行空变成变成任何人物,徜徉在神奇的空间里,在游戏中逐步发展“感知能力”,课堂上,绘本故事、手工、艺术、戏剧、表演等跨学科的完美结合,都成为孩子们的创造力之源!


朱春凤  Jessica Zhu



Extensive experience in the education industry in a combination of  pre-school, K12 international, English and publishing; Extensive theoretical and practical experience; Including frontline teaching, teacher training, academic management, leadership and organisational culture building; Committed to promoting the IB programme in China. 

Maggie&Rose 的全球教育顾问团队,及专业的老师们一起,以英国早期教育体系EYFS为基础,结合中国《儿童学习与发展指南》,用“玩中学”的教育理念、体验式的学习方法和多元化的活动内容来开发课程。


尤其值得强调的是 Maggie&Rose “Learn through Play”的教学理念,通过大量的趣味活动、充分的浸润式环境,让宝宝能够玩中学,同时把家长也囊括进来参与其中,一边让孩子学习,一边还能增强亲子互动,留下美好的亲子陪伴时光。

Jessica 老师一边演讲,还一边通过提问与游戏的方式,现场展示什么是“Learn through Play”,现场嘉宾都非常积极热情地参与到互动中,现场充满了欢笑声。

Jessica demonstrated what "Learn through Play" is by asking questions and playing games while she was speaking, and all the guests were very active and enthusiastic to participate in the interaction, and the scene was full of laughter.


Lee Mack  李灏腾


Director of Communications at Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong


He has a Master's Degree in Modern Chinese Literature from Harvard University and has been in China since 1998. He brings unique insight into the concerns and aspirations of both local and international parents when planning their children's education.

同为IB体系下的“教育者”,Maggie&Rose亲子家庭俱乐部和德威国际学校有很多相同之处。我们都很注重在学习过程中,发挥孩子的主观能动性,如 Maggie&Rose 的MessyPlay脏脏玩课程,使用各种各样的素材如沙子、水、泥、颜料、水果、蔬菜,甚至是爸爸的剃须泡等,放手让孩子们自己肆意感知、想象和探索不同材料,乃至尝试混合材料,看看有哪些神奇变化,充分给孩子自由探索的时间。



从“放养式遛娃”到“沉浸式遛娃”,国内亲子消费进入新的发展态势,正在撑起一个规模达万亿元的巨大商机。站在亲子消费变革的“新风口”,源自伦敦的 Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部经过17年的中英成长与发展,厚积薄发,全球业绩持续增长。

值此五周年盛会,我们也邀请了几十位来自全国各地对Maggie & Rose非常感兴趣的加盟挚友和行业投资人,覆盖家庭早教、亲子营地、自然教育、亲子餐厅、幼儿园、托育园、婴幼儿辅食、亲子酒店、教育媒体、商业地产等领域,大家齐聚麦琪萝丝上海南丰城俱乐部,共同探讨未来儿童亲子行业商业趋势,详细了解麦琪萝丝专业化的运营模式和加盟服务细节。

From free-style to immersive-style child entertaining, domestic parent-child consumption has shown a new development trend, and is supporting a huge business opportunity with a scale of trillions of yuan. Standing at the new crossing of the change of parent-child consumption, Maggie & Rose the Family Members’ Club, which originated from London, has grown and developed through 17 years in China and the UK, and its global performance has continued to grow.

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary, we have invited dozens of friends and investors from all over the country who are very interested in joining Maggie & Rose, covering the fields of early childhood education, parent-child camps, nature education, parent-child restaurants, kindergartens, nursery schools, infant and toddler complementary food, parent-child hotels, education media, commercial property, etc. We have all gathered at the Maggie & Rose Club in Nanfengcheng, Shanghai, to discuss the business trends in the child-friendly industry in the future. They gathered at the Nanfeng City Club to discuss the future business trends of the children's parent-child industry and to learn more about Maggie & Rose's professional operation mode and franchise service details.

Maggie&Rose首席策略官 高峰先生

曾任爱马仕HERMÈS中国区商务总监、开云集团葆蝶家BOTTEGA VENETA中国区总裁;曾任云月投资董事总经理、小星辰品牌集团总裁兼首席执行官及英氏YeeHoO品牌CEO;现任上海倦鸟思林品牌管理有限公司董事长、上海市商业联合会奢侈品(生活方式)专业委员会副主任、上海市首发经济促进联盟副主席。

Maggie&Rose 全球设计总监 Finlay Cowan

拥有超30年设计经验,自麦琪萝丝成立以来,全球每一家俱乐部手绘设计都出自Finlay之手;他还曾受英国戴安娜王妃经纪人委托,为相关纪实电影设计并重建戴安娜公寓和书房;曾服务于BBC,Noel Gay,Jeremy Isaacs等知名制作公司。


体验Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝原汁原味的“英伦”及高品质的服务,当然少不了麦琪萝丝精致的下午茶歇。精致的茶具、丰盛的点心、氤氲的茶香……嘉宾们一边品味17世纪的英伦腔调,一边享受英国贵族的精致美学,为亲子时光注入英伦腔调。

You cannot really experience Maggie & Rose's original British and high quality service without Maggie & Rose's exquisite afternoon tea break. Exquisite tea sets, sumptuous snacks, dense tea aroma ...... guests taste the 17th century British accent, while enjoying the exquisite aesthetics of the British aristocracy, injecting the British accent into the parental time.


Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon shift like a shuttle, the wheel of time has left a glorious mark behind us. The fruits of Maggie & Rose's five years of success cannot be separated from the trust and support of every member's family. On the occasion of Maggie & Rose's "fifth birthday", many of our members who have accompanied us along the way also sent us their best wishes.



We collected members' messages in advance to record the happy moments shared by the whole family at Maggie & Rose. We also customised special gifts for the 5th anniversary and will send them out to the lucky ones among all the families who had sent in their messages!


杭州奥体印象城俱乐部 新新仔

上海南丰城俱乐部 小新

杭州奥体印象城俱乐部 其杰

杭州奥体印象城俱乐部 小云朵

杭州东巢艺术公园俱乐部 添添


五年是里程碑,也是新起点。Hi Five! 这一声Hi,是对过往五年的回望!这一声Hi,也是对未来的五年的展望和期盼!

Five years is a milestone and a new beginning, Hi Five! This Hi is a look back at the past five years! This Hi is a look back at the past five years, and this Hi is also a look forward to the next five years!

展望未来,我们将继续秉承“Time to be together”的理念,不断完善服务,创新活动,让更多的家庭在这里找到欢乐和温暖,让更多的宝宝,在这里成长为自信、快乐的世界小公民。我们站在亲子消费变革的“新风口”,以全球化的洞察,引领国内亲子教育行业革新升级。同时,我们将携手更多品牌挚友创始合伙人,共拓中国亲子消费新蓝海!

Looking to the future, we will continue to uphold the concept of "Time to be together", constantly improve our services and innovate our activities, so that more families can find joy and warmth here, and more babies can grow up to be confident and happy little world citizens. We are standing at the new crossroads of the change of parent-child consumption, leading the innovation and upgrading of the domestic parent-child education industry with global insight. At the same time, we will join hands with more founding partners who are dear friends of the brand to explore the new blue ocean of Chinese parent-child consumption!

布局全球 五年历程

Maggie & Rose麦琪萝丝亲子家庭俱乐部于2006年在英国伦敦肯辛顿创立,途经香港,于2018年进入中国大陆。

经过17年的中英合作发展的成长与发展,Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝在布局全球及大中华区域市场成绩斐然,截止到2023年,我们已在全球开设9家俱乐部,其中中国大陆地区开设了5家俱乐部。Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝“早教、畅玩、美食、派对”的一站式会员制亲子服务吸引了全球2000多个线下俱乐部会员家庭与超过4万+线上会员。

Maggie & Rose the Family Members’ Club was founded in 2006 in Kensington, London, UK, via Hong Kong, and entered  China in 2018.

After 17 years of Sino-British co-operation and development, Maggie & Rose has achieved remarkable results in the global and Greater China markets, and by 2023, we have opened 9 clubs worldwide, including 5 clubs in China. Maggie & Rose's one-stop membership system has attracted more than 2,000 offline club member families and over 40,000+ online members worldwide.


英国伦敦肯辛顿俱乐部 Kensington Club, London(2007)

英国伦敦奇西克俱乐部 Chiswick Club, London)(2013)

中国香港浅水湾俱乐部 Repulse Bay Club, Hong Kong(2015)

中国杭州萧山众安(原恒隆)俱乐部Highlong Plaza Club(2022年升级文创版,搬迁至东巢文化创意园)(2018)

中国香港铜锣湾俱乐部 Lee Garden Club, Hongkong(2023年合并至浅水湾俱乐部)(2019)

英国伦敦伊斯灵顿俱乐部 Islington Square Club, London(2019)


中国上海虹口月亮湾俱乐部 Moon Bay Club, Shanghai(2021)

中国杭州城西银泰城俱乐部 Intime City Chenxi Club, Hangzhou(2021)

中国上海虹桥南丰城俱乐部 Nanfeng City Club, Shanghai(2021)

中国杭州奥体印象城俱乐部 Aoti InCity Club, Hangzhou(2021)

中国杭州东巢艺术公园俱乐部 Dongchao Art Park Club, Hangzhou(2022)

作为家的延伸,Maggie & Rose 麦琪萝丝始终秉承“Time to be together”的理念,为全家提供舒适、充满创意的休闲共享空间,鼓励父母与孩子有更多的陪伴和成长,记录和沉淀难忘的家庭美好时光。五年中,我们在俱乐部内、外举办的超过1000场中西节日活动和亲子活动。不仅见证孩子的变化和成长,更记录每一段家庭美好时光。

As an extension of our home, Maggie & Rose has always been committed to the concept of "Time to be together", providing a comfortable and creative shared space for the whole family to relax, encouraging parents and children to have more time to accompany each other and grow, whilst recording and preserving unforgettable family moments. In the past five years, we have organised more than 1,000 Chinese and Western festivals and parent-child activities both inside and outside the club. We have not only witnessed the changes and growth of our children, but also recorded every lovely family time.



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